Newspaper ad for Business Tampere

Visual Design

Graphic Design

I designed a newspaper ad for Business Tampere that advertised their booth at the Industrial Vehicle Technology Expo in Germany. The visual identity that was used and the visual materials all came from Business Tampere.

Social media advert for Oras Tynkkynen
Powerpoint title slide for Oras Tynkkynen
Powerpoint slide for Oras Tynkkynen
Youtube thumbnail template for Oras Tynkkynen
Youtube thumbnail for Oras Tynkkynen

Graphic Design for Oras Tynkkynen

Visual Design

Graphic Design

I designed a set of social media advertisements for a course run by him, PowerPoint templates and Youtube video thumbnail templates for Member of Parliament Oras Tynkkynen.

He uses the visual identity of his party The Greens, so it was simple and effective to follow the guidelines and deliver a consistent set of graphics.

Safety Illustrations for Tramway Alliance


Visual Design

Graphic Design

A set of safety-themed smart display materials for Tramway alliance for internal use in their Digital Signage system.

Each one of them represents a different aspect of safety to emphasize on their worksites. The illustrations were requested to embody diversity, and the copy was both in Finnish and English to better suite their international workforce.

Worksite Signage for Tampere Tramway Alliance


Graphic Design

Visual Design

An info sign that communicates the schedule, progress and route of additional tramway construction works to the public, now that the tramway gets expanded even further.

Business Signage for Tampereen Ratikka

Graphic Design

Visual Design

A set of signs for Tampereen Ratikka that help the public to find shops and services in areas that are affected by the tramway construction work.

Infographics and Course Illustrations for Helsinki University



Visual Design

Graphic Design

Carkeyhelper is a web application and tool aimed at car key professionals who repair and copy car keys, especially modern smart remote car keys. The idea is to function as a one-stop information database that contains text and image instructions, how-to-videos and product links to relevant tools. The service is structured so that the user begins by entering which car make, model and year they are working on, and after that they get all of the relevant information laid out of them.

The client tasked me to design the user interface and the visual identity of the service. In total I designed 11 different views, including the landing page and the information bank, both for desktop and mobile. In addition to that I designed the logo for the service and created a brand book outlining the visual identity of the service.

Print products for Frank Camillo

Print Design

Graphic Design

I designed a set of print products for an American-Italian restaurant in Tullintori in Tampere. It included e.g. two different size posters, a bar coupon and a feedback postcard. The client had a lot of great photos to utilize and a clear vision of how they want to present their identity, which led to a great result.

Grundium Brand Book

Graphic Design

Visual Design

I was tasked with compiling a brand book for Grundium, chronicling their visual identity in one handy document. The document contains definitions of logo use, colour identity, typography, and more detailed stuff such as graphic elements, photo use and video materials. The definitions are told through text and accompanying graphics to help the reader.

It was an extremely interesting project, since verbalizing things that I’ve only communicated through visual formats before was a good challenge. It’s true that a picture is worth a thousand words, and it really crystallized in this project.

Construction site signage & guide signage for Tampere Tramway Alliance


Graphic Design

Different signs for the Tramway Alliance for both phases I and II of building the Tampere Tramway. The idea was to communicate to the viewer where the construction work is being made, and how the traffic arrangements will change in a certain area. The signs contained simplified maps, clear icons and a map legend where required.

Infographics for Lännen Media


Graphic Design

A set of graphs for Lännen Media that depict the amounts of unemployment benefits paid out in Finland, and their sources. The graphs were published in an article about the subject in a number of Lännen Media’s eleven (at that time) newspapers, including Aamulehti, in the summer of 2020.

Powerpoint Presentation & Templates for Grundium

Graphic Design

Visual Design


A powerpoint presentation with relevant templates and masters for a company that makes electronic microscope scanners. The goal of the project was to utilize the client’s visual identity to create a comprehensive slide deck, from which they could pick and choose which slides to use for different kinds of client cases.

“Yrityspresentaation suunnittelu sujui Jönden kanssa erittäin hyvin ja saimme nopeasti linjattua esityksen ilmeen ja rakenteen. Aikataulu piti koko ajan alusta loppuun ja olen todella tyytyväinen siihen tarkkuuteen, jolla Jönde hoiti sekä projektin aikaisen viestinnän, että itse työn toteutuksen. Tulen aivan varmasti jatkamaan yhteistyötä jatkossakin.”

Mikko Malmivaara, Marketing Director, Grundium

Map Illustrations for the Tampere Tramway Alliance


Graphic Design

A set of map illustrations for the Tampere Tramway Alliance that shows the different phases of the Tramway project on Hatanpään valtatie. They are based on very complicated technical AutoCAD drawings, and the aim of the illustrations is to convey the core message of these drawings in a more viewer-friendly way.

Tote bag designs for Helsinki University

Graphic Design

Visual Design

Two designs for branded tote bags for the Helsinki University Institute of Sustainability Science. These bags were sent to the whole team who worked on the Sustainability Web Course.

Logo for Terel

Logo Design

Graphic Design

I Designed the logo for a local Occupational Therapist, along with a set of visual guidelines for colours, typography and the use of the logo. It was a comprehensive process with many different options thrown back and forth, and the basis for the final logo came from the client, which I then cleaned up and designed into a logo.

Three different versions of the logo were produced for different uses – the complete logo with logotype and a subtitle, a version with only the logo sign, and one with the logotype but no subtitle. They all were submitted in both black and white and colour versions, in different colour spaces to be ready for various use cases.

Social Media image templates for the Tampere Tramway Alliance

Visual Design

Graphic Design

A set of image templates to be used across the Tramway Alliance’s Social Media channels on both Instagram and Facebook, for a Social Media campaign they were doing on their tram test drives. The requirement was to have different sizes of image templates for various ratios of image and text, so that the posts would have a consistent visual identity independent of the contents.

Uusi Hämeenkatu Block Party Events

Graphic Design

Print Design

The visual identity of a series of block party style events to promote the building of the Tampere tramway and to celebrate the completion of the city blocks. The task was to design a consistent visual identity that could be utilized in different kinds of traditional and new media, and still convey the same visual message.
The project contained the designs for:

  • Social media marketing images
  • Newspaper advertisements
  • An A3 poster
  • A 7×4 m banner for the event
  • A souvenir coin that the attendees could mint by themselves at the location
  • A PowerPoint template & theme
  • Meal coupons for the event
  • A decoration for the market stalls
  • A carnival cutout photo wall
  • A set of signs working as a photo exhibition on the stages of building the Hämeenkatu tramway.

Juvenes dietary icons

Graphic Design

Icon Design

A set of dietary icons for Juvenes restaurants I designed years ago while doing my internship at ConnectingTalents. Still in use on their website and on their restaurant menus and menu screens. The icon set was a good excercise in designing icons that were supposed to be used in small sizes, and to try and preserve the client’s original idea for them.

Icon Design for Pistel

Icon Design

Graphic Design

An icon set for Pistel for a software with which workers would scan NFC tags on work equipment and that would keep track of devices in use, locations, technical issues, etc.

Logo for Sergejeff Forest

Logo Design

Graphic Design

A logo design for a forestry company. The aim of the design was to combine the organic with the inorganic: using a the cross-section of a log showing the annual rings and the bark in combination with a strong and clear logotype.


Print Design

Graphic Design

The local aquarium club’s biannual club magazine. The visual identity and layout of the whole print product was redesigned by me.