NAB 2024 Product of the year
IBC 2023 Best of show

The Jutel RadioMan® Clipper has won two awards in broadcasting trade shows: Best of Show at IBC 2023 and Product of the Year in NAB 2024.

Jutel RadioMan® Clipper

UI Design

UX Design


My task was to design the UX & UI for a cloud-based audio editing software for Jutel, the RadioMan® Clipper. The target audience is people who work with journalistic audio content, such as radio programs and interviews. It’s part of the successful Radioman family of software products that has been in use among radio professionals for a long time.

I was tasked with adapting the UX of their existing mobile recorder application’s MVP version into a full-fledged mouse & keyboard interface. It was inspiring and extremely interesting to get to design something that will be at the fingertips of experts in their own field, and getting a grip of the subject matter was a welcome challenge. The product is completely integrated into Jutel’s Radioman cloud environment so that audio professionals can access the same material on both their mobile devices and desktop or laptop computers for both recording and editing purposes. The material they are working with can then easily be transfered into the Radioman cloud, or to be exported locally to be used in radio broadcasts.

The project deliverables consisted of the designs for 9 views & a large number of modals, a compact design system for the UI components and an extensive interactive prototype that presented the core functionalities of the software.

Varaani Design System

UI Design

UX Design

Visual Design


As my first assignment at my new place of work I created a Design System for our internal use. We already had a visual identity, but it was time to update it and consolidate it along with a component library and design system that could be utilized in our own projects, such as our website or any applications we might produce. I created several prototypes for imaginary web & mobile applications to test and validate the component library.

The aim of the project was primarily to learn Figma and component & prototyping tools at a professional level, and to also gain real benefit from having our own design system. Both succeeded excellently, and the result is here. I utilized the design system to design and build our own website in WordPress, and having a practical aim to delve deeper into Figma really helped with grasping its complexities.

The project consists of 11 different UI layouts and an interactive prototype, which you can check out from the link below. In the prototype you can switch between the income statement and actuals & forecast views by clicking “Talouslaskelma” or “Toteuma & ennuste” in the navigation, expand and collapse a sub-table by clicking “Henkilöstökulut”, compare revenue info by clicking “% Liikevaihdosta”, and delete & add columns by clicking the relevant buttons in the header row of the table. There’s also an expandable sidebar in the compare view to save space for the table.

Income statement application for Beans

UI Design

UX Design

Graphic Design

Adobe XD

I was tasked by Beans to design the user interface for a software that is used to display and manage income statements for companies big and small. The client needed it to look like the Tailwind UI framework, so the components had to visually match that.

You can browse your financial data in different ways: choose the timer period, display and hide columns by your preference and needs, see deeper details, compare your numbers to previous time periods, and see predictions of income & expenses. The main challenge of the project was to simplify complicated numerical data to be displayed as clearly as possible, and empower the user to only look at the data they want to see so they don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of data visible.


UI Design

UX Design

Graphic Design

Adobe XD

Carkeyhelper is a web application and tool aimed at car key professionals who repair and copy car keys, especially modern smart remote car keys. The idea is to function as a one-stop information database that contains text and image instructions, how-to-videos and product links to relevant tools. The service is structured so that the user begins by entering which car make, model and year they are working on, and after that they get all of the relevant information laid out of them.

The client tasked me to design the user interface and the visual identity of the service. In total I designed 11 different views, including the landing page and the information bank, both for desktop and mobile. In addition to that I designed the logo for the service and created a brand book outlining the visual identity of the service.

Interactive order application for Pepper Catering

UI Design

UX Design

Graphic Design

Adobe XD

I was tasked by the client to design an interactive order system for their catering service. The client can enter the number of meals they want served at their event, when they are served, select courses for each of them, drinks, etc.

The system would track special diets and staff ordered for the event, and lay out everything broken down in a clear way so the customer understands what they are paying for. Then the customer can send the order and the catering company would take care of the rest.


UI Design

UX Design

Graphic Design

Visual Design

Adobe XD

A mobile application designed for hearing practice for people with a cochlear implant or a hearing aid. The application contains several different kinds of practice assignments and games, all designed to train your hearing. The assignments contain both speech and music tasks. In our team we had several speech therapists from Tampere Central Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital and the University of Oulu who specialize in this field as consultants, and they provided insight to the contents of the application.

The material and contents of the application are based on a set of printed hearing excercises widely in use throughout the speech therapy field. Our job was to bring them up to a modern standard to be used easily and quickly with a mobile application. My task specifically was to design the look and feel of the application, in addition to the User Interface.